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Winter in Bozeman, MT, is prime time for plumbing leaks, as the cold weather places additional stress on your water pipes. This time of year sees many people struggling with the effects of leaky and burst pipes, including higher water bills, mold growth, and property damage. Fortunately, there are four tips you can use to reduce the risk of water leaks in your home this winter. Read on to learn how you can prevent devastating water leaks from your pipes.
Inspecting your water lines on a regular basis will help you identify minor issues before they become major problems. Look for signs of moisture in areas around the lines to detect small leaks, and inspect the lines themselves for any damage. Any issues you find should be rectified by a professional plumber as quickly as possible so they don’t get worse. Mountain Valley Plumbing and Heating can provide the leak repair service you need.
One of the best ways to protect your water pipes from the cold is to prevent the cold from getting to the pipes. Wrapping your water pipes in a layer of insulation reduces the risk of the pipes freezing when the temperature drops. There are many different products you can use as pipe insulation, from insulation sleeves you can buy at your local home improvement store to layers of foam and duct tape.
Any outside equipment connected to water lines you won’t be using in the winter should be disconnected from the outside lines before it gets too cold. Water left in these lines could freeze and expand in the bitter winters of Bozeman, MT, causing the lines to burst. Drain the outside water lines by shutting off the water valve and opening the taps until all the water is gone.
There are many signs that could indicate a water leak in your home or yard. In the yard, areas of pooling water, mushy ground, or places that smell bad could indicate a plumbing leak underground. In the home, any mold growth or discoloration on the walls or ceiling should be inspected to ensure it’s not the result of a water leak.
Water leaks in the winter can be a costly problem to fix, so it’s better to stay on top of things by keeping the above tips in mind. If you detect any problems, our professional plumbers at Mountain Valley Plumbing and Heating can help you remedy the issue before it escalates. Call us today for more information on winter water leak issues.